Минни пояси и защо са важни
Ако сте създали прост мисловен експеримент, чудили ли сте се някога как миньорите влачат съоръженията си, когато са дълбоко в мината и вършат работа? Това е трудна работа и в това те трябва да управляват всичко умно. Друго от умните решения, които имат, са минните ленти. Миньорските колани са друг специален тип колан за носене на цялото оборудване, необходимо на миньора в мините, така че изберете минен лентов транспортьор from Shandong Xiangtong Rubber Science. It also helps simplify the tasks of having everything a miner may need right at their sides essentially allowing them to put down what they are holding. Tools, lights and the other necessities so that they can do their job properly.
These are mining belts designed to support field personnel suitably carry their necessary equipment as they go about working. Without these belts, miners would need to carry all their tools by hand and that hinders them from moving around effectively on the mines. Try navigating a ladder or crouching with heavy equipment in your arms. It will be very tough and there may occur some accidents. The use of минна лента from Shandong Xiangtong Rubber Science also features the availability to have miners free their hands for better work flow and efficiency. In addition to that, these belts are also there so tools do not fall out or even worse drop onto the miners resulting in some serious injuries. In conclusion, mining belts are a great tool for keeping your workers from harm while under the earth.
Интересно, тъй като много неминьори също използват минни пояси в работата си. Като минни колани за носене и носене на книги или други инструменти, докато конструирате неща, които са важни в света, като нашите домове/къщи или магистрали. Това позволява на работниците да държат всички неща под ръка с тези колани, което им помага да работят за по-малко време. Строителните компании и работниците във фабриките ги използват минна конвейерна лента from Shandong Xiangtong Rubber Science for a variety of purposes from keeping drills in order to tidy up tool shops with ease. This is a way for them to up their organization and stay sharp doing busy work days. By encouraging even transportation workers who have to airplanes, trains and cars working they carry the right tools for them with special belts.
The use of mining belts for workers is also advantageous, especially miners. The single most important point is that it ensures that tools do not pose a hazard, whether to the workers themselves or those working alongside them. This can be a revelation in the hectic workplace, where errors accelerate. Mining belts allow miners to keep track of it is tools so as not to misplace them. As a result, they can always locate what they need without spending valuable time looking for missing tools. These минна конвейерна лента също са идеални за балансиране на теглото на техните инструменти, така че миньорите да не се движат напред-назад, тъй като трябва да носят всичко необходимо, но без да се чувстват много с тежки товари.
Те също са безценни, когато става дума за безопасност на работното място – минни ленти. Те позволяват на работниците да функционират така, че и човек, който се разхожда наоколо, не се спъва в инструментите за спално бельо - ценна универсална технология, където страните определено са слабо осветени, както и малко, ако там загубите индивидуален баланс. Когато са с всички съоръжения, минните ремъци също имат двойни въжета, предотвратяващи подхлъзване на инструментите и падане на хиляди фута на земята, което води до наранявания за загуба на време или по-лошо. Така накратко минна конвейерна система are one of the mandatory safety tools for a miner or workers who carry any kind to tool underground. Without the protective backing of a mining belt, this process would be largely unsafe and uncomfortable. Mining belts are indeed a wonderful invention for those who work in the mines as these make their job simpler and safer.
The company boasts modern production equipment, professional management team, and top technology, so that the company has developed into a formidable competitive ability of the enterprise and the PVG conveyer belt holds the highest percentage of the Mining belts in China. We are vice-chairman in China's conveyor belt market and also one of the leading makers. The company was awarded the honor of "China Quality brand" and "The most important brand in the area of conveyor belt in China", etc.
Our range of products includes steel cord conveyor multi-ply fabric belts solid weave belts, Mining belts sideswalls, patterned lifting, and Armid belts. We have 11 lines for solid woven belts, 4 lines for multi-ply fabrics, as well as seven lines for steel cord belts. It also has the longest steel conveyor belt cold vulcanization line in Asia.
Mining belts have passed the strict requirements of ISO9001, ISO14001and ISO45001. Our products have been through quality tests conducted by famous organizations such as RWE TUV BV MSHA MASC.
Our RD team is comprised of experts who are responsible for setting national standards. We have Mining belts national utility models patents for example, the "multi-ply fabric conveyor belt" and have declared three invention patents and 11 utility model Patents, such as an ultra-wear-resistant conveyor belt. The company has also joined forces with several universities to show its leadership position in rubber technology. We also have a large and reliable after-service staff made up of 32 people.