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Nastro trasportatore in PVC 1250S

Have you heard of the PVC 1250S conveyor? Perhaps in contradiction to the sounding of that, it simply means a conveyor that is so tough and built for emergency work. With Karrier conveyor belts, the PVC 1250S carries materials conveniently from one point to another. Find out about this type of belt and why it is far different from all other belts, as well learn how heavy items are transported with these.

If you have to move heavy equipment (such as large boxes or rocks) a conveyor belt would do, it will take care of all those pounds. For such a case, we have PVC 1250S conveyor belts! Constructed out of a special kind of strong PVC material, these belts are not like those that wear as well quickly. With that tough material, they handle even the heaviest loads without breaking or twisting to become useless. That means that these conveyor belts can handle anything, even the widest of objects safely and quickly.

Resistente alle temperature estreme e agli agenti chimici aggressivi

The PVC 1250S belts are ideal for use a multitude of different temperatures. Little else you remember is their sweat, or shiver. It is particularly important for work that is carried out in locations with extremely hot temperatures, while it could be cold elsewhere. They are also resistant to chemicals. Therefore suitable where things require to move in different conditions like mining and factories or chemicals are utilized during production. THE SOLITARY AND THE STOUT HEART!

Perché scegliere il nastro trasportatore Shandong Xiangtong Rubber Science PVC 1250S?

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